Thursday, March 3, 2016

November 2015 Swimmer of the Month

Anna Klotz (TYPHOONS 2) IMG_4605
Anna Klotz has been one of the most exciting personalities to come to the team this year. Whenever she walks on deck she brings a wave of positive energy and enthusiasm with her. What has made Anna special is that she puts that same enthusiasm into her swimming, by listening with great attention, and working hard with 100% effort. So why don’t we get to know this fireball of energy a little better! Miss Anna, tell us, what has been your favorite meet this year and why? “The Pumpkin Invitational, because it was my first one, and I was learning about everything!” It is indeed very fun to learn. We are always learning and growing each day, each moment. What are your favorite events to swim? “The 25 free, because I can go fast, and the 50 fly because it’s fun! I love the feeling!” Butterfly is indeed a lot about feeling and flowing with the water. Now miss Anna, before you compete at meets, do you have any Anna-wisdoms that we might learn from you? “I have all my things laid out the night before, I have a good breakfast, and my dad plays music that pumps me up!” That is fantastic! Do you listen to the Frozen soundtrack a lot? (haha, get it? Princess Anna? Okay, silly joke). What do you feel is the most challenging part about being a swimmer? “The coaches are demanding.” What? Demanding? More like, inspiring! Pushing you to greatness! Okay, maybe a little demanding sometimes, but we only demand you do your best! And that does take a lot of effort on your part. What are some things you like about being on Blue Wave? “I like being with my teammates, everyone is nice and funny, and the coaches are nice.” Oh, so now we’re demanding AND nice? Well I guess that’s good to hear. And it’s great to hear that your teammates are nice! I’m sure you’re one of them too. Now Anna, swimming is a lot about working toward goals. What is a goal you have for this year? “To improve my breaststroke.” Good goal! How will you achieve this goal? “Through hard work at practice.” Very true. The best goals take a lot of hard work. Moving on from swimming, what is something interesting about you that makes you ‘Anna?’ “I have a great British accent because I lived in England for three years.” Now that is cool! I will have to have you demonstrate that for me next practice! What is your favorite food? “Fish and chips.” Hmm, I feel like I should have guessed that one… If you won the lottery, what would you do with the money? “Get the US Olympic swimmers autographs.” That is pretty cool! Maybe we should start getting your autograph now too! Besides swimming, what are some activities you like to do? “Reading, arts and crafts, and gymnastics.” That is very diverse and artistic! It matches your personality quite well. Do you have any special achievements you would like to tell us about? “I received an award in gymnastics.” Congratulations! So when I ask you to do your British accent, I will expect you do accompany it with a back handspring? Just kidding! Maybe… Now, last question: If you were an animal, what would you be and why? “A dolphin, because they are great swimmers.” Yes they are! They are the gymnasts of the water world. So we shall call you the British speaking gymnast dolphin from now on? I think so. Well Anna, congratulations on being a Blue Wave Swimmer of the Month! Keep up the great work! #SOTMAnna
Brantley Hart (GREEN Crest 2)IMG_4594
This season Brantley has shown himself as a hard worker, and a growing leader in his squad. He has been working hard to challenge himself, and he has improved a lot in practices with his effort and focus. As coaches, we are excited to see how far he has come, and look forward to seeing him grow more as an athlete. Aside from all this serious business, Brantley is also known for his sense of humor, so we look forward to his answers to our questions. So Brantley, looking back on this season, what has been your favorite meet and why? “The Long Course Junior Olympics was my favorite swim meet. I missed making the cut for the 20 free in short course last year, so I was excited that I was able to finally drop the time I needed and make it to Junior Olympics for long course this past summer.” That is exciting! Plus, it’s extra rewarding looking back and seeing how the hard work paid off. Always swim with goals in mind! It’s very inspiring. What are your favorite events to swim and why? “My favorite events are the 50 and 100 freestyle. They are my favorite events because I feel like I have a lot of power when I am swimming them.” Swimming with power, and recognizing how to use it is an essential skill in swimming! Keep working on developing that power Brantley! When we see you in practice, you are a fierce competitor. Tell us, what do you do to prepare for a swim meet? “Wake up (most of the time, way too early!), eat, get my snacks, get my swim bag, and then fall asleep in the car for the long ride to the meet.” Rest is an ever-important aspect of swimming. Always make sure you make the most of it! Besides waking up very early for meets, what do you feel is the most challenging part of being a swimmer? “In the summer the most challenging part is all the practices. I have long course practice and then I go straight to my summer swim team practice. During the school year the most challenging part about being a swimmer is having to juggle my homework, baseball, and swim practice.” Time management is an essential skill to sports, school, and life in general. Keep focused my friend! You are developing a priceless skill that will carry you very far in life! What are some things you like about being on Blue Wave? “It is fun! I like being at the meets and hanging out with all my friends.” Being part of a team is fun! It is a great experience! Thank you for helping to make it more fun. Along with that fun, as you know, is all the work involved. What is a goal you are working toward this season? “Again up to 13-14 this year has been really hard. I am working hard on always trying to drop time in everything I swim. I think I will achieve that goal by improving my strokes an d working hard.” Good goal! Work hard, and work smart in practice! Effort is important, and also knowing where to put your effort. Train your mind along with your body! Now Brantley, please tell us something your teammates might not know about you. “I am a magician! I love doing all types of magic tricks, especially card tricks.” Wow. That takes a lot of skill! You will have to put on a show for us at the next team social! What is your favorite food, oh magical one? “Everything!!! (Well, everything that isn’t fried seafood).” I feel like there is a story behind that, but we don’t want to know. Does everything include non-fried seafood? Just curious. If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you would do? “I would hire a lawyer and an accountant. I would do this to make sure I can manage my accounts and not waste all my money.” Brantley, that is the smartest and most logical answer I can possibly think of. I may have to hire you as a business advisor. That way you can help me with decisions, and do card tricks for me (haha). What are some activities you do when not swimming? “I like to play baseball and Xbox. I was working toward my black belt in Tae Qwon Do. I am currently an advanced brown belt, but I just don’t have enough time to dedicate towards it at the moment.” Wise with your time, and you can defend yourself. I am definitely hiring you one day. What accomplishments are you most proud of outside swimming? “I am in all honors classes in school, and I am pretty good at playing the trumpet.” Ladies and gentlemen, he’s magical, magnificent, and musical. A jack of all trades. Finally, if you were an animal, what would you be and why? “I would love to be a wolverine because they are resourceful and sneaky… just like me!” I could not agree more. Well Brantley, thank you for giving us your time! Keep up all the great work you are doing, and congratulations on being a Blue Wave Swimmer of the Month! #SOTMBrantley
Alyah Hindi (GREEN Crest 2) IMG_4569
Alyah is all that, and more! She has stepped up to the plate, and swung for the fences as often as possible. She pushes herself more and more during practices, and has consistently stepped up her game. Okay, enough baseball talk. She has done so well adjusting her swimming technique, and embracing positive changes in her stroke. We decided, we have to get to know this firework a little more! So for this interview, picture two people, sitting in couches, on your TV screen, in a local daytime talk show. (Showers of applause, and a catchy jingle fill your ears) Hello, and we’re back with Alyah Hindi, one of this month’s Blue Wave Swimmers who is going above and beyond the average athlete. Alyah, you have had a great first season with Blue Wave. What, in your experience, has been your favorite swim meet? “I’m so glad you asked. Well, my favorite meet was the Hokie Travel meet, because it was my very first travel meet with a whole new team. It was fun to be trusted in a hotel room with three of your other friends and to tour the campus of Virginia Tech!” (The audience ooohhhs and aaaaaahhhs) That sounds like a fantastic time! I hear you swam a lot of events at that meet! Can you tell us some of your favorites? “My favorite events to swim are the 50 and 100 backstroke because backstroke, of course, is my BEST, and most favorite stroke. I also like swimming the 50 fly because even though it is a little bit challenging, I like to push myself to see what I can do different.” (Applause) That is a fantastic attitude to have! We at Blue Wave so encourage our swimmers to look for ways to become better. Tell us, what do you do to get ready for a swim meet? (The audience leans in with anticipation) Alyah, thoughtfully responds “When I wake up in the morning, I have a nutritious breakfast with lots of protein, then I rest my muscles and lay down in bed. When it is time to get in the car and go to the swim meet, I usually sleep in the car so that when I wake up, it’s like a whole new me!” (She flourishes her hands and smiles, the audience cheers) Well, sounds like sleep works! I will have to try and get more (laughter). Now let’s talk serious (the crowd hushes). What, Alyah, do you believe is the most challenging part about being a swimmer? “Hmm, the most challenging part about being a swimmer is definitely learning to manage your time wisely (the host nods in agreement). Between school, swimming, and other sports, and free time, it can be challenging.” (Clapping) So true, so true. Time management is key to success. Now, I may be fishing for compliments with this next question, but I’m sure lots of people want to know: What are some things you like about being on Blue Wave? “The coaches explain everything very well! Most of all, they don’t just focus on swimming, they also focus on physical education with dry land and teaching us important life lessons, like how to be a good sport, kindness towards others, and how to express ourselves.” (Loud applause) Faaaaaantastic! The coaches are so excited to hear you are embracing the culture, learning, and implementing it in your life! That is the best! (More applause) Now Alyah, swimmers are very goal driven people. Tell us, what are your goals for the upcoming swim season? “One of my goals for this year is to achieve all of my A and AA times. I think I will achieve that goal by doing my best in practice, and listening to the coaches advice that they give me.” Very smart, very wise. Coaches are there to help you with your goals! Be sure and ask lots of questions! (Audience applauds) Now Alyah, let’s get to know you outside the swimming world. What is something your teammates might not know about you? (Everyone leans in) “Hmm, something my teammates might not know about me, is that I am deathly afraid of….. (the audience leans in more) ESCALATORS!!!!” (A collective gasp fills the air) Oh my!! Well, they can be dangerous. One must be paying attention at all times when on one. It might eat your shoe! Speaking of eating, what is your favorite food? “My favorite foods are olives and loaded baked potatoes!!!” (The audience goes ‘mmmmmmmm’) Delicious! Now Alyah, let’s say you win the lottery. What would you do with the money? “I would buy food and clothes and give it to the people who are not as fortunate as others.” (A standing ovation from the audience) Now that, is truly fantastic. And philanthropic! We all hope you win now! (Applause dies down after a few minutes) What kind of things do you do when you are not swimming? “When I’m not swimming, I like to play competitive softball and hang out with some of my close friends.” So you not only swim butterfly, but you are a social butterfly! (Laughter) And you not only swim backstroke, but you also have a mean backswing! (More laughter) Okay, enough puns. Are there any accomplishments you can tells us about? “I am most proud of trying out for and making a travel softball team with a bunch of my recreational team friends.” That is so fun! Sports should be enjoyed with friends. Okay Alyah, last question. If you were an animal, what would you be and why? (Audience leans in, breathless with anticipation) “If I could be any animal, I would be a penguin! Because I love cold weather, how they waddle, how they slide on their bellies, and I LOVE TO SWIM!!!” (The audience laughs, claps, and tweet about how awesome Alyah is) Thank you so much for your time Alyah! Congratulations on being a Blue Wave Swimmer of the Month! #SOTMAlyah

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