Monday, January 12, 2015

November 2014 Swimmer of the Month

Owen Krause (BLUE Crest)IMG_2373

 Owen Krause likes to go fast. Really fast. Coach will say, “Okay guys we’re going to do 10 pushups,” and by the time coach says ‘pushups,’ Owen has done six of them. And good ones too. Owen has done a great job becoming more focused during practice, and has really taken ownership of his swimming and his personal improvement. He shows up to practice on time, and is a great communicator. He has done great pushing himself to be more consistent with his strokes, and is looking to be the king of efficiency and speed. Between workouts, we were able to get some questions answered about Owen. His favorite meet this season has been the Turkey Clause Showdown, because he made finals for the first time at the meet. Very exciting! He loves swimming breaststroke, and is as quick as a frog on his dives. To prepare for meets, Owen sets goals, and plans out what he wants to achieve at the meet. It’s good to be mentally prepared when it comes to competing. When asked what the most challenging part of being a swimmer is, he answered “Having 3 practices in a row, and swimming the 200 fly.” All very true. But what would swimming be without the thrill of the challenge? The better you become as a swimmer, the more you will do it, and the more events you will swim. One of Owen’s favorite parts of being on Blue Wave is the activities the team does outside the pool. I will admit, we have some great people on this team. Owen’s first goal of the year is to make JO’s in the spring. He will achieve this by “improving my times at each meet.” Yes you will Owen! What is something the team might not know about you? “I have been swimming competitively for 7 years.” Well, no wonder you’re so good at it! Haha. What is your favorite food? “Almost everything that is edible.” That is a wide variety. Buffet owners must really dread you walking in their doors. What’s the first thing you would do if you won the lottery? “Celebrate.” Ever speedy and efficient, Owen is not one to waste words. I would definitely celebrate too. What activities do you do besides swim? “Ride my bike.” Good endurance work. Keep at it Owen! Are there any accomplishments you’re proud of that you would like to tell us about? “I earned a 100% on my mythology exam.” So now we can officially call you: “Owen, the man, the myth, the legend, Krause.” Yes! And finally, if you were an animal, what would you be and why? “A fish, so that I could swim all the time.” Your parents would have to buy a really big aquarium. Congratulations Owen on being swimmer of the month! Keep up the good work, and keep celebrating! #SOTMOwen

Vy Dinh (GREEN Crest 2)IMG_2375

Vy Dinh is a very exciting person to be around. She is always full of ideas and suggestions. Ever the creative thinker, Vy has been finding new ways to push herself in the pool, and found new reserves of focus and energy within her, and it shows. So Vy, what has been your favorite meet this season? “The Turkey Clause showdown, because I dropped time in everything. I think the Maryland pool is amazing, and I got to hang out with my friend, Evelyn afterwards.” Shout-out to Evelyn! Sounds like fun! What are your favorite events to swim? “I love to swim the 100 back, 50 back, 100 breast, 50 breast, and 50 fly.” That’s a lot of events! Bet you love IM’s. Why do you like these events? “I like to swim these events because it’s a short 4 or 2 laps which means you sprint all the way!” So to prepare for these events, or a meet, what do you do? “I pack my big swim bag the night before and get to sleep early for a good night’s rest… and no unhealthy foods such as McDonalds.” Those sound like some great decisions! Good for you! Making good choices is a big part of being a swimmer. What do you believe is the most challenging part about being a swimmer? “Getting faster times (descending), practice sets, and persevering.” That’s true, it is a challenge to push yourself to your limits. But it’s a challenge that always pays off! What do you like about being on Blue Wave? “The team effort and being with friends that encourage you and support you (also known as cheering for you at a swim meet)!” Haha, well I’m glad to hear that! Blue Wave is one of the best cheering teams in PVS! Vy, you have done a great job this season improving your times and your practice work. What are some goals you have set for yourself for the rest of the season? “I think that I should work on my freestyle (my least favorite stroke) since I’m a bit (a lot) slower in that. Plus, I’ve begun to start breathing every two instead of three!” GASP!! Well, I’m glad you are aware of that, and working on it! Keep it up Vy! Now besides swimming, is there anything you like to do that we may not know about? “I LOVE TO WATCH DOCTOR WHO.” Well, it is a very fantastic show (Coach Mike and Coach Stephen agree)! What are some of your favorite foods? “Pho, pasta, Banh, and Xeo.” Yum! You will have to explain what some of those are next time we see you, haha. If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you would do? “Run, I mean drive home (why would I run?), scream (if it was a lot of money), and make it rain in the living room.” Hahaha, that sounds about right. Time to celebrate!! Hopefully it will happen one day Vy. What else do you do outside of the pool? “I’m usually busy with homework (I’m an honor roll student), but I play the piano, play stuff with my friends, or I’m on Youtube.” You, and many other people. I think we would all definitely watch the Vy channel if you started your own Youtube. Is there anything you are proud of that you have accomplished this year? “HONOR ROLL STUDENT!” You go girl!! Great job! Finally, just because most of us out there are very curious to know, what is your favorite animal and why? “A moose. I like moose. What’s the plural word of a moose? Antlers… antlers are good. Moose are also a dangerous animal. Don’t mess with the moose.” Good advice. If we see one rolling around Ashburn, you will be the first person we call. Well Vy, congratulations on being our Blue Wave Swimmer of the Month! Keep up the good work, and long live the moose!! #STOMVy

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