Wednesday, December 3, 2014

October 2014 Swimmers of the Month


Ryan Rounds (GREEN Crest 1)IMG_2090 (1)

 Ryan Rounds has been working very hard in practice, and has been very driven and focused. Not the loudest of swimmers, he lets his actions in the pool do the talking for him. He has been pushing himself, and his lane-mates to become better with each practice. His favorite meet this year has been the PVS November Open, where he achieved all best times. His favorite stroke is breaststroke, because “I like to shoot and pull.” To prepare for swim meets, Ryan stretches to make sure his muscles are loose and relaxed so he can swim his best. Ryan is a competitive swimmer, and one of the reasons he likes being on Blue Wave is because it makes him a better, faster swimmer. He says the challenging part about being a swimmer is learning how to push yourself. Well Ryan, just remember what motivates you! One of Ryan’s goals this year is to work harder, and improve all his strokes. Outside of swimming, is there anything else that you do Ryan? “I also play hockey.” Cool! Just can’t seem to get away from the water? Whether it’s liquid or solid, Ryan’s got to be on the water. What else do you like to do? “Ride my bike, and play outside.” And if you were an animal, what would you be? “A dog, so I could run around and play.” A dog would be fun. Tell you what man, keep up this great balance of fun and hard work, and we’re looking at a very successful sports career! Just so we get to know some more about you, what’s your favorite food? “Pizza!” What would you do if you won the lottery? Buy pizza? “I would go to Disney World!” Great choice. And finally Ryan, what other accomplishments are you proud of that you’ve done outside swimming? “A triathlon.” Wow! Thank you Ryan for letting us know a little about yourself. Again, we are so proud of the hard work you are putting into the pool! Keep having fun with it! Congratulations on being one of our Blue Wave Swimmers of the Month! #SOTMRyan

Giada Fassacesia (TYPHOONS 2)IMG_2094

This is Giada’s first year to the team, and she has brought a big name along with a big personality. She has done well listening, and being a positive influence in her squad. She’s had a great season, so we wanted to get to know her a bit better. So Giada, we swimmers want to get to know the real Giada. What is something we may not know about you? “They probably don’t know that I have two little sisters that I love very much, Gemma who is 2, and Giuliet who is 5 months old.” That is wonderful! I am sure you are an amazing big sister! What is your favorite food? “Bananas, kale chips, grapes, and cookies and cream ice cream!” That all sounds fantastic! You could make a killer ice cream sundae with all those ingredients. Well, besides the kale chips. If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you would do? “I would buy a mansion with an indoor, heated pool and also build the coolest playground for everyone to use and have fun!” Well, when that happens, you will have to invite the team over for a party! Well Giada, you have been doing really well at Blue Wave. what are some things you like about being part of the team? “I like being on Blue Wave because I have the best coaches ever, and have learned so much since I started. My times have dropped a lot since I started the team. I also have made many great new friends!” We’re so happy to hear that Giada! What has been your favorite meet this year? “The SNOW Pumpkin Invitational, because I got to swim a 100 IM for the first time in a meet!” That is always an exciting event! What events do you like to swim the most? “100 IM, 25 fly, and 50 free.” Great events. How to you prepare to race? Anything special you do to get ready for big competition? “I stretch and relax before every swim meet, and eat a healthy meal so that I have energy during the meet.” Good advice. What do you feel is the most challenging part about being a swimmer? “Trying to beat my times at every meet.” That is difficult! But the more you practice, and push yourself to faster speeds, times in meets will drop. Do you have any goals for this year? “One of my goals is doing the 200 IM. I will achieve this goal by practicing a lot throughout the year.” Well, you have the right idea! Swimming is a sport that certainly takes a lot of work, but it is one of the most rewarding sports out there. Outside of swimming, what do you like to do? “I like to jump on the trampoline and go roller-skating!” Those both sound really fun! Have you accomplished anything outside of swimming you would like to tell us about? “I have been in Girl Scouts for three years and have done a lot of community service projects to help others.” That is very inspiring and impressive! Keep being a positive influence on the world Giada! Last question, then we will let you get back to your trampoline. If you were an animal, what would you be and why? “A dolphin because they swim very fast, and are so cute!” Sounds like you and dolphins have plenty in common! Thank you Giada for telling us about yourself. Congratulations on being one of our Swimmers of the Month! #SOTMGiada 


Valarie Chenault (BLUE Crest)IMG_2092 (1)

Valarie Chenault, better known to many on the team as “Raptor,” is one of our Blue Crest swimmers who has stepped up, both in and out of the pool. She has been a great leader, and has been pushing herself to new heights in her swimming, her dryland, and her focus. The coaches are all very happy to see her rise up to be an ambassador for the team covenants. We were able to get to know a little about what drives “Val-oceraptor” to seek excellence in the sport. So Valarie, what are you most excited for this year? “The November Travel meet! I get to have a ‘sleepover’ with my friends and get to have a fun activity.” I am sure it will be amazing! What are your favorite events to swim? “The 50 and 100 fly, the 50, 100, and 200 back. My favorite events are back and fly, and I get good times in those events.” Fantastic! How do you best prepare for those events and meets? “I eat a good dinner (or breakfast), then I make sure I have snacks for the meet, and then I get my stuff ready for the next day, or that night.” It is always important to be prepared. Good thinking! Now, you have been swimming for a long time. What do you think is the most challenging part about being a swimmer? “Not getting the goal time you want.” That is a tough one. We don’t always get our best times in every event, and it can be hard to recover after being disappointed. That’s why we try to remind ourselves that as long as we do our best, we didn’t fail! And, there is always something positive to find in any situation. It helps us learn and grow. What are some things you like about being on Blue Wave? “I like getting to know people I don’t see at school.” That is a cool part. We’re all a team here! What is one of your goals for this year? “One of the goals I want to achieve is to get to champs.” Great goal! How are you going to achieve that? “I am going to get there by working hard in the meets and practice.” That’s the key. Keep it up Val! Besides swimming, is there anything your teammates might not know about you? “I used to dance.” That explains your great coordination! What is your favorite food? “Raviolis, and my dad’s chocolate chip cookies!” Well that just sounds delicious. Your dad will have to make some for the team! If you won the lottery, what would you do? “Buy a big house with secret doors and tunnels!” I love the creativity. I will have to hire your architect after that happens. If you were an animal, what would you be? A velociraptor perhaps? “I would be a snow fox because I like the snow, and I think foxes move nimbly like cats.” Cool! Outside of swimming, what do you like to do? “Listen to music and hang out with my friends.” And what accomplishments are you most proud of, besides swimming? “I got certified for scuba diving when I was only 11 years old.” Well, you will have to take us scuba diving some time! Last question Valarie: WHAT DOES THE FOX SAY?? Swim swim swim swim swim swim swim! Thank you for letting us know a little about yourself Valarie! Keep working hard, and keep being a great teammate! Congratulations on being one of our Blue Wave Swimmers of the Month! #SOTMValarie

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