Friday, April 4, 2014

January 2014 Swimmer of the Month


Nico Burbano (BLUE Tide)2014-04-03 18.02.55

 Nico has done very well this season, hitting his stride and really working on pushing himself to new heights of swimming. He has set goals for himself under the belief that there certainly are, no limits to what one can achieve if they are determined enough. He is working on achieving AAA times in his freestyle events, and qualify for some bigger championship meets. His favorite events to swim are the 100 and 200 freestyle, “because they are very high-energy and exciting. They always get my heart pumping!” Nico is a very driven swimmer, and doesn’t let negativity get to him. He’s fun to be around in practice, and everyone agrees, he makes the funniest/weirdest faces on the team. His favorite meet this season was the IMX meet, “because it was very serious and I swam really challenging events.” A great part about swimming is that it challenges swimmers to not set limits on themselves, and that challenges are placed there for them to overcome. They may seem impossible sometimes, but that is only in the swimmer’s mind. Nico says the most challenging part of swimming isn’t really in the pool, it’s “the lack of sleep due to morning practice and homework.” Well Nico, the challenges in the pool are only going to help you overcome those challenges out of the pool! Keep working hard! Prior to his big meets, Nico goes to bed early and eats a healthy breakfast. He enjoys being a part of Blue Wave because we are a smaller team, and “everyone on the team bonds and becomes one big family.” That is awesome Nico! So, what are some things the Blue Wave family may not know about you? “I received a black belt in Tae Kwon Do, and I used to be very committed to that sport.” Well, we greatly appreciate you committing to the team Nico! What is your favorite food? “Definitely 5-Cheese Ziti.” Yummmmm. What would you do if you won the lottery? “Visit Europe then put the rest of the money in my savings account.” Smart man. What do you do when you’re not swimming? “I love to play guitar and listen to music.” Something else we might not know about Nico, he was accepted into the All-Virginia State Honor Choir. And, if he was an animal, he would be “A cat, because I consider myself very independent and I like to sleep.” Well that sounds purrrrfect Nico! Best of luck at practice, and congrats on being Swimmer of the Month!


Dana Korotovskikh (GREEN Tide)2014-03-29 10.11.35

D for determination, A for attitude, N for never give up, and another A for awesome because Dana is the kind of swimmer every coach and teammates wants to have. She is someone that can be relied on to work very hard, and is very competitive with her teammates. So Dana, what are your favorite events to swim? “My favorite events to swim are probably the 200 back and the 200 IM because both require you to try harder than most events, like using all the strokes in the IM and having a continuous fast pace in the 200 back.” What have been your favorite meets thus far this season? “IMX, because it’s not only with PVS but a lot of other teams providing more people to race against and strive to beat. It also holds many memories for meeting new people.” Ever the competitor! How do you prepare for meets like IMX? “ I usually have a smoothie first thing in the morning if it’s an early meet, I also make sure to pack the night before to have more rest.” That is very smart. Plus, it makes you less stressed in the morning! I will have to remember that. What is the most challenging part about being a swimmer? “Time management. Because you can get really easily stressed out with school work and swim practices if you don’t have a schedule of your daily routine.” So true. The best swimmers are the ones who prioritize their schedule, and stick to it! Way to stay dedicated! What are some things you like about being on Blue Wave? “I like the wisdom wall and the quotes that are on it because it teaches us a new moral every practice that could greatly impact our future life.” Coach Mike very appreciates that Dana! Having a strong moral code is something that great swimmers live by, and teach to younger swimmers. What is one of your goals for this year, and how do you think you will achieve that goal? “My goal is to make it to finals at Zones and I plan to achieve that by trying harder at practice and start having a healthier life of eating healthy foods and having the right amount of sleep, etc.” Good plan, be sure and stick to your schedule Dana! Okay, let’s get off swimming for a second. But only a brief second, don’t worry! What are some of your favorite foods? “My favorite drink is apple juice. My favorite food is steak, or a cheeseburger (home-cooked).” Yum, yum! If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do? “Probably go on vacation and take a break from all the drama of winning the lottery!” Hahaha, so true! You can bet friends will be knocking down your door to hang with you then! What do you do outside of swimming? “Reading, watching TV, and sleeping.” Sounds really nice after a hard practice. What are some accomplishments you are proud of? “Having all A’s in all my classes but math since third grade, and being all honors.” That is awesome Dana! Swimmers are classy, AND smart people! And finally, if you were an animal, what would you be and why? “I’d probably be a Jesus Christ lizard because they have many different techniques of staying away from predators, like running on water.” Well keep practicing Dana, and we might see you ‘flying’ across the water pretty quickly yourself! Congrats on Swimmer of the Month!

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