Friday, November 1, 2013

October Swimmer of the Month

Lucas Billington (GREEN Breakers)


Lucas is a competitive swimmer who loves swimming fast. During practice he is constantly striving to lead the lane, and do his best to improve his strokes. "The most challenging part is when you learn new strokes," says Lucas when asked about the sport of swimming. He enjoys coming to practice and working with the coaches. During practice he has shown himself to be a very hard worker, and has done well to improve his strokes, and make good technique a consistent habit. His goal for the year is to become the best in his group, and one day his age group. Outside of swimming Lucas enjoys football, playing in his yard, and eating his dad's steak (because it's healthy and delicious!). If Lucas won the lottery he would buy himself a pool, and if he could be any animal, he would be a bird so he could fly. He is very proud of his latest accomplishment: placing in the top 30 for his 5k run. Congrats Lucas!! Keep up the good work!

Caroline Maller (BLUE Surfers)

MG_0418Caroline Maller has been with us for a long while, and is a long time Sunday Surfer. She never fails to put in a great effort in practice, and knows that when she’s there, it’s time to focus on doing her best in the water. Her favorite event is breaststroke, as she always does great in that event at meets. In preparation for those races, she is sure to eat plenty of pasta, get plenty of sleep, and get herself pumped up and positive! When asked what she feels is the most challenging part about being a swimmer, she responds “All of the early morning practices and hard practices!” Caroline is a devoted summer swimmer, and a devoted Blue Wave. Her goals for this year are to cut time in her events. How will she do this? By working really hard! Caroline loves being on Blue Waves because it’s a lot of fun, and she gets plenty of help with her technique. It’s always good to stay in the water! Some things we might not know about Caroline is that she is in dance multiple days a week along with swimming, she LOVES pasta, and if she were an animal she would be a dolphin! Why? “Because they can breathe underwater and do a bunch of flips!” When she isn’t swimming, Caroline is an avid dancer, she helps out with community service, and she plays the piano. She is very proud of keeping good grades in school, and getting selected to be a summer swim intern! It is very exciting whenever you can accomplish furthering your future in a sport. Caroline is a great worker, and is always excited to be at practice. Her dedication and mental toughness are great, and we are happy to have her as swimmer of the month! Congrats Caroline!
Kate Turner (GREEN Crest 2)

2013-12-20 15.58.42Kate Turner is the newest member of the Green Crest 2 squad, and for good reason. She has shown great improvement in her strokes, and at practice she is great at focusing and working hard at developing better technique. We got to get some important questions answered about Kate. When asked what her favorite meet has been she said “My favorite swim meet so far has been the Snow Pumpkin Invitational because it was my very first and only meet with Blue Wave! I was really excited to swim in my first meet.” And the excitement has only continued! Her favorite event to swim is the Individual Medley “because you get to do every stroke, and plus my two best strokes are at the end.” Bringing it home fast! It is always good to be prepared for swim meets too. “To get ready for a meet, of course, you need to get to bed on time the night before. But I always have an energizing smoothie in the morning and a healthy breakfast and/or lunch.” Great advice Kate! I will have to start having more smoothies! Some things we might not know about Kate: her favorite food is cookies. Give her any kind, any flavor, she is a real cookie monster! If she won the lottery, she would first set aside some money for herself, then donate the rest to charities such as the Make A Wish Foundation. “A girl recently died of brain cancer. Last year, my school worked hard to donate to the Make A Wish Foundation so she could have her dream of going to Paris before it was too late.” Thank you Kate, for giving us a great example of how we need to treasure the important things in life. Do you have any goals yourself? “One of the goals I have for the year is to be able to do my backstroke better and faster. When I was younger, it was my best stroke, and now that I’m older, it’s my worst. I want to turn that around though, and I think this year I’m going to be able to from all the practice and corrections I’ve had so far.” So what do you like about being on Blue Waves? “What I like most about Blue Wave is that it’s not only about the swimming, it’s also about the attitude. Every week the wall of wisdom has something about your mind and how that makes you a better swimmer. Blue Wave is good because the focus on improving both your physical goals and your mental goals.” She has tried every sport there is out here, and Kate has decided that swimming is the sport for her. What is the most challenging part about being a swimmer? “Swimming is both a team sport and an individual sport. You are trying to beat your own times and place high for both you and your team at the same time. It’s challenging, but it’s also one of the best things about being a swimmer.” Kate is a great worker, and has one of the best mental attitudes on the team. She is very proud to say that she’s stayed focused on balancing her swimming and her school work. “I’ve always been a pretty good student, but this year and last year things got a little tougher. I’m glad though, because I still keep it together and keep my grades up.” Congrats Kate! You have very deservedly earned swimmer of the month! One last question: If you were an animal, what would you be and why? “I would be a fox, so I could tell everyone what a fox really says.” 

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